Goal Setting in CRM: Customer Relationship Management

Goal Setting in CRM: Customer Relationship Management | JulepCRM.com

Goal Setting in CRM: What is a CRM?

A CRM stands for customer relationship management and is a database tool used by for-profit and nonprofit organization to manage data. The benefit of a CRM is that all your organization’s data is in one place and can help create and track goals. Questions surrounding goal setting in CRM include:

  • What are the types of CRM? There are many different kinds of CRMs. They can be more sales based, or more relationship based. They can focus on membership or on major donors.

  • What does a good CRM system do? A good CRM should work for you and your organization! A feature that may work for one organization may not work for another. It is essential to do an analysis of your organizations needs to decide on the best one.

  • What are the features of CRM? CRM features can vary from database to database. If your organization is primarily working with major donors, looks for features like moves management to help manage your pipelines. If your organization is membership based, be sure to look for a database with the ability to track membership status. The features of the CRM need to able to fit the needs of your organization

  • What should be included in a CRM? We recommend looking for a CRMs that is cloud based so data can be accessed from anywhere at any time while maintaining data security.

What is the Goal of a CRM?

The goal of a good CRM should make achieving your individual organizational goals easier. CRM goals and objectives should be set by your organization. You can use the features of the CRM to create and track goals.

How do you develop a CRM strategy?

Beyond making achieving goals easier, a CRM can help establish organizational goals. Using data at the start of your goal setting in a CRM can make tracking even easier. Julep can guide your process when establishing goals and then tracking them. Schedule a demo today to learn more!

Your CRM is a tool you can use to build your organizations goals, big or small. Check out Julep, the new CRM for nonprofits, to learn more on how your data can work for you.


Goal Setting in CRM: Benefits of Using a CRM


Choosing the Right Software for Nonprofits: A Julep Guide