Webinar: Keeping Your Giving Tuesday Donors Engaged

Great news! Early results from Giving Tuesday project that the event broke new fundraising records. Your hard work and preparation paid off! Now, it's time to thank these donors, add their information to your database, and focus on end-of-year giving.

Not so fast! Your Giving Tuesday donors need more attention if your goal is to keep them as long-term donors. According to the Giving Tuesday organization, 63% of donors will only contribute on Giving Tuesday. Based on data going back to 2012, these Giving Tuesday donors are unlikely to contribute to your organization again in the next calendar year.

But doesn't that defy the typical donation model that the hardest part in the process is acquisition and conversion? Why are the retention rates of Giving Tuesday donors so low? If these new donors aren't likely to donate through your existing fundraising programs, how can you keep them?

Join the Julep team this Thursday at 2 p.m. EST for What Happens After December 1? Keeping Giving Tuesday Donors Engaged. You'll learn the next steps needed to convert these one-time donors into long-term relationships.

What You'll Learn During Keeping Giving Tuesday Donors Engaged:

  • Why are Giving Tuesday donors different?
  • What's the critical step needed to retain these donors and how do you get there?
  • Why is the donor journey different for Giving Tuesday participants?
  • How to successfully merge Giving Tuesday donors into existing programs?

Save your place in this webinar to learn about rethinking the Giving Tuesday donor journey!

If you can't make this webinar, go ahead and sign up. We'll follow up with a link to watch a recording when it's convenient for you.

Sign Up


Adrienne Royer | JulepCRM.com

Adrienne Royer

PresenterThroughout her career, Adrienne has worn many hats at nonprofits and political campaigns. She got her start as an AmeriCorps VISTA at a children's museum, served as the development director at a Girls, Inc. chapter and discovered her love of digital fundraising and advocacy while working at the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. As the digital communications specialist at Julep, Adrienne combines her real world experience in fundraising with public relations, online communications and UX design.


Watch: Keeping Giving Tuesday Donors Engaged


Giving Tuesday – 4 Factors Most People Overlook