Donor Acquisition & Retention: The Lifeline of Non-Profit Success in a Crowded Landscape
Featured Sofia Borden Featured Sofia Borden

Donor Acquisition & Retention: The Lifeline of Non-Profit Success in a Crowded Landscape

Imagine this: you're running a marathon for a cause you deeply care about. You've trained for months, endured sore muscles and early mornings, all because you believe in the impact your efforts will create. But what if, after crossing the finish line, the charity you championed barely acknowledged your accomplishment? Disappointing, right?

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Bridging the Giving Gap: Engaging Donors Across Generations
Featured Adrienne Royer Featured Adrienne Royer

Bridging the Giving Gap: Engaging Donors Across Generations

Generational giving is undergoing a significant transformation as demographics shift, values evolve, and technology reshapes how we connect and contribute to causes we care about. As the torch of philanthropy passes from one generation to the next, nonprofits must adapt their strategies to engage donors effectively across age groups. In this post, we explore insights and tips from recent research to understand the nuances of generational giving, and we offer practical advice for nonprofits seeking to build lasting relationships with donors of all ages.

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