Julep’s Nonprofit Glossary


Welfare: The state of doing well; governmental aid to help the disabled or disadvantaged.

Wills: Normally a legally executed written instrument by which a person makes disposition of his or her property to take effect after death.

  • Holographic will: A will written and signed by the testator or maker in his or her own hand.

  • Nuncupative will: An oral will made by a person in his or her last illness or extremity before a witness, often not honored in a court of law.

  • Pour-over will: A will whereby assets controlled by the will are directed to be poured over into a trust.

  • Reciprocal wills: Wills made by two persons in which each leave everything to the other.

Women’s Funds:
 A focused fund or foundation that builds women’s philanthropic leadership and raises financial resources and focuses its grantmaking on projects that benefit women and girls.

Working Capital: The portion of an organization’s assets which is not invested in fixed assets or obligated to pay current liabilities but is available to fund day to day working needs.


Nonprofit Glossary: V


Nonprofit Glossary: Y