What is Moves Management?

What is Moves Management? Moves management is the plan your organization uses to “move” an individual through the donor life cycle. There are four stages in the donor life cycle: Identification, Cultivation, Solicitation, and Stewardship.

As your donor is cultivated through moves management fundraising, you will develop a stronger relationship with your donor and learn why they give. Each stage can be broken out into smaller stages depending on the size of a gift officer’s portfolio as well as the time and resources available to the organization. By establishing proper donor moves management, you can work with a large portfolio of donors and provide each donor with the feeling of a personalized giving experience.

Moves Management and the Donor Life Cycle

What is Moves Management? Identification: Identification is when an organization identifies potential donors. This is when research and wealth screening is critical. Beyond financial capacity, identification also considers the affinity and interest of potential donors. This involves assessing whether individuals have a genuine interest in the nonprofit's cause, values, and programs. People who are passionate about the organization's mission are more likely to become engaged donors.

What is Moves Management? Cultivation:

Cultivation is where the magic happens with a donor. It is when you begin to bring a donor into the fold of your organization’s activities. Engagement is critical at this level. It is important to reach out to a donor frequently in this stage. The number of times a nonprofit needs to engage with a donor before they make a gift can vary widely depending on several factors, including the donor's individual preferences, the nature of the organization's mission, the fundraising methods employed, and the level of the gift being sought. There is no fixed or universal number that applies to all situations. However, building strong donor relationships typically involves multiple interactions over time.

What is Moves Management? Solicitation:

Often this will be called ‘Making the Ask”. This is when a gift officer officially asks donors for money. Often, donors will not give until they are solicited. It is important to look at wealthy capacity when determining what number to ask for.

What is Moves Management? Stewardship:

Don’t forget to thank your donors! Donors who feel appreciated and valued will give again and again. Check out this blog post on unique stewardship ideas. Stewardship includes keeping donors informed about the impact of their contributions. Donors want to know how their support has made a difference. Nonprofits provide updates, stories, and reports that demonstrate the positive outcomes and real-world changes that result from their donations.

Moves management is a crucial process for nonprofit organizations aiming to cultivate strong relationships with their donors and supporters. It involves strategically guiding donors through a series of steps to deepen their engagement and increase their contributions. To streamline and maximize moves management efforts, many nonprofits are turning to customer relationship management (CRM) software like Julep CRM. If your nonprofit is committed to cultivating long-lasting donor relationships, consider integrating Julep CRM into your fundraising strategy.


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Donor Lifecycle Management with a Nonprofit CRM