Using Fundraising Event Management Software

Event Fundraising Tools

When planning a fundraising event for your nonprofit, using a fundraising event management software can help with all aspects of event planning processes. Look for event fundraising platforms that can help you from start to finish. A strong fundraising event software can do the following:

·       Select invite lists of current donors

·       Ability to map invitees addresses to select perfect venue location

·       Create event briefings of each invitee for board members

·       Track and approve event budgets

·       In database fundraising event registration

·       Track donations from the event

·       Ability to process donations from the database in real time

Why Events?

Your organization may be asking how to prevent donor from lapsing. In person events and virtual fundraising events are a way to engage donors in a more individualized way. Organizing events can be a big task for nonprofits as they require careful planning and can be costly. Effect event management through fundraising event management software can lessen the burden of event planning and create better event experiences for you donors. This can ultimately lead to increased donations.

Event Idea: Giving Tuesday

Events like Giving Tuesday can reinvigorate your donor base and prompt more donations from new donors. Giving Tuesday is a worldwide day of giving at the end of November. Giving Tuesday strategy can include in person and virtual events. Using fundraising event management software to seek out prospects and engage donors. Read more here about Giving Tuesday and what to consider as your planning your event strategy.  

Reaching fundraising goals though events cab be easy when you use the Julep CRM database built for nonprofits. Julep is a fundraising platform that streamlines nonprofit management while helping you focus on what’s important — building and cultivating donor relationships.


Software for Nonprofits: Choosing your Database


Major Gift Strategies