Effective Non Profit Direct Mail Copy

Effective Non Profit Direct Mail Copy | JulepCRM.com

Writing for direct mail is different than your average non profit marketing piece.

There are tried and true components that direct mail copy editors employ to draw in donations that have worked for decades. Effective letters are long. They can be four, ten or even twenty pages because they need to convey and convince a donor to send in a gift.

What should be included in a direct mail piece?

According to Mal Warwick’s Revolution in the Mailbox, there are five essential parts of an effective direct mail letter. The Julep blog post “Effective Non Profit Direct Mail Copy” will deep dive into the following:

  • Building a connection with the donor

  • Presenting an offer of participating with your organization

  • Making the case for why they should donate

  • Creating a sense of urgency

  • Asking for money

Writing effective direct mail is just one way your organization can build their donor file. Want to learn more on non profit direct mail management? Check out the Julep blog.


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