Julep’s Blog

Predicting the Trends in Nonprofit Fundraising for 2022
With January and end-of-year fundraising wrapped up, it’s time to turn to the rest of 2022 and tweak fundraising plans. Given the continuance of the pandemic, an unpredictable stock market, and concerns over inflation, there’s a lot of uncertainty in the philanthropy sector. What are the experts predicting for this year?Julep staff reviewed many blog posts and articles predicting trends for 2022, and below is a summary of what we found.

The Benefits of Shifting to Sustainer Giving
Last week, the nonprofit sector finally had some good news! The Fundraising Effectiveness Project announced that donations under $250 increased by 19.6% compared to the first half of 2019. These grassroots donors helped propel a 7% increase in total giving over 2019.

Rise of the Small Donor?
Last week, the Fundraising Effectiveness Project released grim numbers for the first quarter report of 2020. While headlines focused on the decline of major gifts and cancellation of special events, the FEP’s data provided one optimistic statistic. Major donors were down 7.4% and mid-level donors were down 2.2% year-over-year, but donations under $250 increased by 5.8% compared to the first quarter of 2019.