Using a Non Profit CRM for Moves Management

Non Profit CRM and Moves Management

Utilizing a nonprofit CRM is an excellent way to develop a Moves Management strategy. Donor management software built specifically for non profits can enhance effectiveness and keep your donor interactions all in one place.

Strong Fundraising Database Management

Building a moves management strategy starts with strong fundraising database management. First, getting buy in and training your employees across teams to input and maintain data will get everyone in the habit of using the non profit CRM. Every donor interaction should be logged. A great non profit CRM will have the ability to track these interactions, whether they are gifts, calls or event invitations. Look for a CRM that gives you the ability to see those changes historically and who made the changes. From there your donor database can be a wealth of knowledge to begin moves management.

Moves Management Starts with Donor Research

Fundraising strategies for moves management starts with donor research. Tracking monthly donors and their monthly donations to your nonprofit is a good place to find major donors within your database. These donors are invested in your mission and can be worked into your moves management pipeline after determining their giving capacity.

Once this is determined, your donor management software should make it easy to work them into a pipeline. The Julep Moves Management module makes this easy. From discovery and cultivation, Julep guides fundraising staff through the complete giving cycle throughout the process. Moves Management helps you keep track of upcoming deadlines, the most recent contribution, and any other tasks associated with the donor.


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