Fundraising Strategies: What Donors Expect from Major Gift Officers

Effective moves management and fundraising strategies start with the right organization team. Gift Officers are often the first people to build and interact with high dollar donors. Effective donor management starts with some universal expectations major gift officers should follow to build trust, make the ask, and further their organizations mission.

Here are some expectations around moves management:

Fundraising Strategies: Passion for the Mission

Donor research at the beginning stages of donor management can only go so far If a gift officer is not 100% bought into the mission of the organization. It is important that the passion for the mission is palpable- you can’t fake this! Once that authenticity is felt, a mutual connection can be made between a gift officer and a donor. Excitement for the cause you are working for is contagious, especially if you have done your research about a donor and know that they also care about your mission. This excitement will also translate into urgency and lead donors to want to act in order to further your organizations cause.  

Fundraising Strategies: Integrity

Do what you say you were going to do. It’s that simple! Showing up on time, making sure a check is deposited, setting up monthly giving, and following through with stewardship are all simple ways you can build trust with your donors. Building trust with donors is imperative for them to feel comfortable contributing high dollar amounts.

Fundraising Strategies: Active listening

Donors want to feel heard- so listen! One mistake a gift officer can make is talking the whole time at a meeting or relying on information in the donor database. Like any relationship, it’s important that they also have the opportunity to speak about what they are passionate about. Active listening is a great way to learn more about your donor for future conversations that could start with monthly donations to nonprofit and lead to major donations. Some things you can do to practice active listening include nonverbal communication like leaning in to show interest, staying passive in the conversation when a donor starts to tell you about their lives and interests, and asking clarifying questions to learn more about your donor. All of this should be recorded in your non-profit crm software.

Gift Officers should be viewed as consultants and trusted advisors for donors. Showing passion for the mission, having integrity, and actively listening will build these strong relationships that donors except in order to give high dollar gifts. Julep allows you to track your fundraising efforts all in one place, making your capability more effective. Schedule a demo today!


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Using a Non Profit CRM for Moves Management