Fundraising Strategies: Converting Low Dollar Donors

Monthly Donation

Focus on donors who have set up monthly giving to your nonprofit or those who give a monthly donation to nonprofit organizations like yours. They may only give $10 a month, but over time, this shows commitment. You know these donors are bought in to your organization’s mission. Every month they donate to your cause -- these donors have a strong why. Once you identify long time monthly donations, you can use moves management to cultivate these donors.

Moves Management

Using moves management, you can build your fundraising strategies for individual donors. Once the monthly donors are identified, start to do research on giving capacity and identify why they give to the organization. This can be done through different search engines like Wealth Engine, or through Google. Through this process, you may identify donors with a higher capacity to give. From there, you can utilize moves management to cultivate the donor.

Donor Tracking Software

During this process, it is important to tracking the information from the research you are doing. One way is to use a donor database or a nonprofit CRM to keep notes on donors and throughout the moves management process. One such database is Julep. Julep is a new fundraising platform that streamlines nonprofit management while helping you focus on what’s important — building and cultivating donor relationships. Schedule a demo today!


Using a Non Profit CRM for Moves Management


Giving Tuesday: Grassroots Fundraising Examples